The Policy and Planning Section

The Policy and Planning Section functions under the Secretariat and is staffed by a Planning Officer and a Project Monitoring and Coordination Officer (MCO). The Section has been mandated with the following responsibilities and also carried out other administrative duties as deemed required by the Management:

Core Mandate of the Section

  1. Facilitate the formulation of five-year plans and annual plans of the LGs in consultation with the Cabinet Secretariat.
  2. In coordination with all Divisions and Sections, conduct Mid Term and End Year Reviews of the Five Year Plans.
  3. Act as a direct professional link between the Thromde, Cabinet Secretariat, and DPBP on planning and budgetary processes.
  4. Coordinate and liaise with the Department of Planning, Budget, and Performance (DPBP), MoF on budgetary matters and any other issues related to the implementation of the plans including submission of progress reports.
  5. Submit project proposals seeking funds through relevant stakeholders.
  6. Monitoring and evaluation of all projects.
  7. Facilitate and coordinate inter-sector initiatives and programs.
  8. Facilitate deliberation and endorsement of Thromde plans in the Thromde Tshogde.
  9. Implement the national policies and directives of the Thromde Tshogde.


Other Responsibilities of the Section

  1.  The section also serves as the secretariat for the Thromde Council which requires drafting of minutes, record keeping, and necessary follow-up actions.
  2. Coordinate and Conduct Monthly Progress meetings.  
  3. The Section also serves as the focal point for Media, and Gender and Child Focal, NCWC.